General Information
For general information about Healthy Davis Together, please email [email protected].
For media inquiries, please contact [email protected].
Account Support
For any issues accessing your testing account or scheduling an appointment, please call our technical support line at 530-754-8382 or email [email protected].
- How can I access my HDT/HYT test results? You can continue to access your test results through the Healthy Davis Together Testing page until September 28, 2022. After September 28, you will need to send a request to [email protected].
- Please note that it may take up to a week to get your test records after September 28, 2022.
- Where can I get tested for COVID-19 after HDT/HYT ends? There are many options for free and low-cost COVID-19 tests in our community and county. A list of testing resources can be found on the Healthy Davis Together Testing page
- Where can I get a record of my COVID-19 vaccine from HDT/HYT? If you received a COVID-19 vaccine or a booster through Healthy Davis/Yolo Together, you should be able to retrieve COVID-19 vaccine and booster records from the California Immunization Registry (CAIR) website at
- If you are unable to locate your record using the site, you can submit a request to [email protected]. Please note that it may take up to 10 days for vaccine record retrieval.